Best chestplate/body armour?

I have Milanese brigandine body armour.
It has : 24 stab def, 24 slash def, 10 blunt def.

I haven’t seen anything better beside this. What is the best armour you have?


I found the nuremberg cuirass with 25/4.
I don’t know if its called so in english cause I play in german :slight_smile:

So far this is the best cuirass found in the game. No info for any better.

Where i can get this armor? Thanks.

Where did you found that armor mate? Thanks.

It’s on one of the treasure maps. The chest is located near uzshitz if I remember correctly.

It’s in one stash of the treasures of the past maps.
It’s map III. You need the treasures of the past DLC

Thanks mate. I found this armour.

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I’ve just got this armour.Thanks mate!