So what is best gear that you can get in game? I know there is Warhorse armor. But apart from that? Best armor and weapons? Please share your builds.
There’s better gear than warhorse armor. So far, best chest is milanesse armor, noble gear is also the highest i’ve found (chainmail, legs, gloves…), for the weapons, there’s a couple of really good swords. I think the best one i have is named herold sword or something like that.
i would say it’s a little bit early to have an answer to this question
Trying for horse archer/stealth killer: Cuman/elm bow, riding/silent boots, Knight spurs, etc
I think spurs are really bad for noise. I’m mostly running light build as well. Monk’s robes and a mace. For bigger fights, I cheat with some chainmail under the robes. Really like trying different builds
Yeah, unequip spurs when moving in for stealth KO/kill
Agree about trying different builds
This is what I currently use for Stealth/Thief.
Have not really found a good heavy set I like. I am using the Morgenstern mace and Heavy shield against heavy armor. For light armor i use the Stinger and Heavy Shield. Range I use the Yew Longbow at 77damage with Piercing arrows at 130 damage
Thank you for taking the time to add the images
FYI? When I first saw the ‘Dark Saxon gambenson’ I fell in love, but then I saw the stats and knew right then I had to have it before anyone else bought it~~ I found a pair of Leather Gloves, exact same stats as the Hunter Gloves, except… zero noise!
By chance do you remember where you might have found either the “Black hood” or the “Fashionable black hose”, or were they drops?
Lastly, the “Silent Shoes”??? - I must know more Dear Sir?! Please! Stats, location
Congrats to you on your focus, I wish to you great success in your travels…