Blocking mechanic

Can someone tell me the difference between blocking with a shield and without one, cuz right now I don’t really see any difference except maybe it costs less stamina.

so is using a shield beneficial or not? cuz I didn’t find it good and I rather just use 2 handed swords but I like the idea of using a shield it’s just I don’t find any use for it.

Your sword doesnt get damaged when blocking with a shield -> Higher damage Output with the sword

Shield can Block Arrows

Beeing able to do shield bash combo


It’s much easier to block with a shield than it is with a weapon. In addition some weapons (shortswords mostly) can use combos with the shield, while others (like longswords) can’t.

And they pretty much cover your left side even if you don’t press q, you’ll be guarded from swings coming from your left side.

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so wait you mean even if you don’t block your still protected from your left side if they hit your shield?

thats great i didn’t know that

Yes that’s pretty much it. Your left sides pretty much safe unless you’re standing at a weird angle or something