Books on Medieval History and Re-enactment

I am starting this thread purly because this is an interest of mine, so for those of you who are also into history and or re-enactment;

  1. What are you favourite/recomended books on Medieval history, it can be fro any period of ‘Medieval’ history and regarding any country.

  2. Are yo part of historical re-enactmentgroup, which type/period and what drew you to it as a period and as to re-enactment as a whole?

I personaly like The Medieval Time Travelers Guide to Medieval England by Ian Mortimer, Blood and Roses (The Paston Family and the Wars of the Roses) by Helen Casro, The History of England Foundation (Vol 1) b Peter Ackroyd and The Evolution of the Medieval World by David Nicholas.

Re-enactment wise, I am currently in a Wars of teh Roses group and am about to join another Medieval reenactment group that cover from aroun 1000-1300, so that includes the English border wars etc.

I have always been into my history and if there had been the possibility of making a living from it I’d have love to have delved into it as a job possibility.

It was my current partner who finnaly introuduced me into the scene have himself been involved since the age of fourteen within, American Civil War, Vikin and WW2 re-enactment groups.

You should check out the Osprey series of books. They’re really good!