Would it be possible to list the books from which the game was developed? Both historical (clothes, weapons, …) and developmental (game design, …)? In many videos, before the release of the game, the books were seen on Dana Vávra’s desk.
Open the credits in game, all the books are there.
So I went through the credits several ties but somehow I did not notice that there were mentioned books - only programs, places and locations and thanks to different people.
I was mainly concerned with the books that served as artwork - in terms of dressing, weapons, life, … and books on Game design, …
in one of intreview (in czech) Vavra say they had a group of historians for help whith buildings, weapons, etc.
Yes, but in many videos there was dan’s desk and he had some books on the table - game design and also some big books about clothing and swords and weapons…
Sorry to say but most of the books used are from Czech authors, so they are not in English.
Oh sorry my mistake I thought I saw the list there, but it was actually here
Thanks for your response. I speak Czech so I will understand that books.
I know that a lot of medieval art and other things were inspired by the “Codex Manesse”