Bow Perks or Bow functionality?

How come there isn’t any bow functionality? Such as zooming? Why are we only restricted to sword play and a little bit of stealth?

Really confused.

If you are on pc, there is a mod to get bow perks, as well as to keep the yellow dot with a bow. There is no zooming in real life with a bow, bows do not have scopes, so that is probably why they did not add a bow zoom to the game. It simply is not realistic in any way, shape , or form, and it is a realistic, not fantasy rpg.

As for restricted to sword play and a little bit of stealth? I am confused by the question. You can use weapons other than a sword, and stealth has perks and improves as you level it.

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stability with bow and little zooming will came with hight skill of bow

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Once you get to level 10 with a bow you should start to see zooming. When you get to level 20 there is a LOT of zooming. If you have good strength and a yew longbow (77) stability becomes rock solid and your arrows (if you are using better piercing arrows) will penetrate most plate armor.


I’d also really like to see some bow perks, maybe they could actually weaken the un-perked bow skill and require perks to do things like zooming, piercing armor, higher stability etc. A “focus” perk that somewhat slows time (nothing wrong with poaching from Skyrim!) would be cool, or a perk that makes mounted archery easier.

Oh I didn’t mean like Skyrim zoom level, where the whole world just slow motions not like that. But since we have perks in the game they could add some sort of zoom, not too much but enough to see a little longer into the distance. Such as being a master bow man level 15 kind of thing.

As for the mods, I currently play on PS4 and my computer broke down so unfortuantly I cannot play Kingdom come with mods. As I’ve already asked Warhorse to inquire with Sony and Microsoft to add some sort of modding system for Console players.

Furthermore I believe the bow has literally no use instead of just shooting an arrow hoping it hits and then changing to sword since your whole stealthy archer assassin kind of thing gets blown out of the window. I also believe the stealth aspect of the game is interesting but in my opinion quite over powered once you hit late game. I currently have stealth at 18 and the rest of the stealth perks at 15 or above and so far I can take out a whole cuman camp with only a dagger??? I believe the late game is a little bit broke and provides no real challenge, I think we need some sort of level scaling system the more you level on certain perks or the main level itself the more challenging it becomes. Such as bandits being able to see better or hear footsteps.

But as for the bow, I believe it’s useless up too a point. Archers for that matter were feared and I believe if Warhorse adds a perk system to bows and some way of gaining experience with it I think we will see the bow being used more often. Since I love being the stealthy character in every game I play.

Also to add I find it very hard to gain experience with the bow, any tips to gain experience with it?

Bow is far from useless. In my first playthrough I killed entire camps with the bow, no sweat. They do pretty high damage even at low levels, and at high levels with top of the line bows and arrows you basically one shot everyone. They’re particularly advantageous if you pick a spot where your enemies can’t reach with ease. Also, if you have the forester perk which reduces visibility and conspicuousness in the forest, all you have to do is fire and move. Enemies will go to place arrow came from, but can’t find you. Rinse and repeat.

As for skill gain, I generally level that up through hunting as it’s a good cash cow. Also builds up hunting skill, which is nice for the aforementioned perk. That said, I believe the archery contest in Ledetchko, which has you shooting logs in a river, lets you gain skill - as long as you hit the logs of course.


Reply to old post: ( couldn’t help myself)

do archery tourneys in Ushitz and rattay. win and get a percentage increase in skill and some coin… Lose and get less increase and no coin. Do them at you current level.


Thanks for that tip. I picked up a Cuman bow early in the game and stuck with thinking it was the best.
My steadiness holding that bow has not improved.
Have to buy back the Yew bow I sold to the weapons dealer in Rattay !

You have to use a bow that is either the same strength level as Henry or below or else it will not be fully effective.


If on horse, Cuman. If standing, yew longbow

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Yew longbow is not steadier than the Cuman one. He included it into the example (I guess) of how strong archery could be (yew longbow is the most powerful bow you can obtain) as opposed to the original post who claim we are restricted to stealth and melee.

the steadiness come only from the Archery skill
On the other hand, with Yew Longbow and Better piercing arrow (or better long-distance arrow) and you really do not have to aim for head.

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the 77 power Yew one. The lesser aren’t as good as you promote. Also a 74 power Cuman ain’t nothing to sneeze at.
you do have to have the strength for them.

Well, but 126 with the Long-distance arrow.
Yes, against heavy armored opponent (armour above 20) it is still better if you hit the head.
My point is that you will still do something while weak bow will not.

not to pick or snark , perhaps a specify of the power bow would have been more helpful?

Sorry I though we are talking baut the Yew Longbow (77). It has damage of about 76-126 depend ing on the arrows.

I get a post it note. I cut it into a very small circle and stick it to the tv screen where the yellow dot normally is :hugs:

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I’m using a 1/4 square piece of green tape and it makes archery easier but not 100% accurate, which still keeps it challenging.

For PC’ers get the Bow dot mod. Keeps it on with a bow. With that and robinhood mod ( comes with no shaking version and another with more). you just hafta figure the hold over and or lead and hold over.