Bug DLC The Amorous adventures of Bold Sir Hans Capon

Hello everyone. :smiley:
I have a problem with this DLC.
I finished the quest with the charlatant in Sasau. He therefore left at the end to Ledetchko. In the DLC when Capon asks us to get a love potion, at the end of the mini cutscene the mission automatically fails. I’m still going to Ledetchko to find the charlatan and ask him for the potion. I did everything he asked me to do with his ghost story, I got the potion and the recipe. But seeing that the mission failed before I can recover it the potion the games consider that the dlc is finished and I can no longer speak to Hans Capon and continue the DLC. So I would like to know if the bug is known and if we can fix it.
I have already reloaded my part before he gives me the quest but nothing to do when he tells me that I must recover a potion to the charlatan the mission failed.
And no question of reloading my game before I speak to the charlatant in Sasaus otherwise I lose 12 to 15 hours of play :sob:.
Thank you in advance for your help.

It’s a known issue - you have to kill the charlatan (either after doing everything or when you first meet him (I found him in Ledechco). Kill him while he’s asleep and you won’t take the hit to your reputation and you get the needed recipe from him. That’s the only way I’ve gotten the quest to move forward.