Bug in first archery mission

When I finish the archery duel against hans capon, in the mission of training with Bernard, at the beggining of the game, a guard appears behind of me and I lose because “loosing sir radzig confidence”, but there is no reason for the guard to catch me because I haven’t stole anything or commited any crime.

Have you shoot arows nearby Sir Hans?
Or have you have you killed the archery master before you started the training with Cap. Bernard?
Just two things which caused this ending to me… :grinning:

No, I had something robbed in my inventory, but I spent three days in jail already, I’m going to load a previous game in order to put this robbed thing in my trunk and see if this goes on happening.

Lucky you!

I just started a new playthrough, and when the archery contest with Hans is supposed to start, the game teleports me behind the targets, then I can’t really move, the contest ends with a defeat, but I get Capons bow nevertheless…

Testing is overrated. :smiley:

You get the bow without doing the contest? I did the contest like seven times hoping the bug to dissapear but it went on happening, now i’m a master in archery while in the game Henry hasn’t shot any arrow in his life :sweat_smile:

Yeah, as much as I love many, many aspects of this game, the incredible number of quest bugs that happen or happen not for no apparent reason (never before had that teleporting bug, seems to be new in the latest version, or it was the combination of moon phase and the pixel henry was standing on…) is really astonishing, after so many patches…

I would love this game if it wouldn’t have those many bugs, I have only played 6’5 hours but I’ve seen other’s gameplays and I know there are many bugs, do you know for how long are they keeping on patching? I hope they can fix every significant bug someday…

In the ~250 hours I’ve played it, I don’t seem to recall experiencing any “bugs” in this game.

Rage-inducing design, yes; slow file loading, yes; snow-balling memory use by the app over time, yes; the occasional temporary freeze up, yes; slightly less than “occasional” application shitting the bed, yes; Nausea-inducing excessive animations and motion-blur, yes; Beautiful landscapes with one enraging feature that always “strikes” at the worst possible moment (bushes that look like other bushes but act like Concrete walls), yes; “bugs” no.

maybe you have followed the questline in a very straightforward way. I am very forgiving regarding the other things you mentioned, but esp. around version 1.4x the amount of broken quests was annoying. And even now… losing, but taking no damage during the first fist fight with Kunesh (new bug, worked earlier), Capon archery contest broken… countless things, not all are story killers, but certainly break my immersion because I have to curse a lot at my innocent screen.

Obviously I am still playing the game and love it for many, many things, but regarding quest bugs it rivals Skyrim… LOL

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Actually most of my play has been ‘free form.’ Probably played for 10 or so hours with one or two restarts in which I raged at the scripted action sequences at the opening pretending to be a computer game. Once those strong emotions has subsided, and I realized (this is just what this game does, hopefully it isn’t ALL like that) I started over and did a Normal mode playline for about 80 hours. Never in that (now deleted playline) did I visit Lord Radzig. I then started a second Hardcore playline which I did for another 130 or so hours, and it was only in the last . . . mmmm . . . 30 to 50 hours? of that that I resumed the “Main Quest” after awakening in Rataje. Now onto my third playline, overwrote slot one; another hardcore in which I try some different things. Probably another 20 or 25 hours total so far and have not visited Lord Radzig.

I should also note I’m on PC.

I didn’t respond to be dismissive or contumelious. I literally just have experienced very, VERY few thngs which I would call “bugs,” meaning: what programmers would call a semantic error (I think there are other terms as well) which is the WORST type of error one can have. Basically, the syntax in the source code is perfectly fine so the source code will compile fine and run in Debug mode, a “typical” degree of debug mode testing doesn’t detect any problem, and even error handling code doesn’t necessarily detect any problem. The code is fine, it runs fine, except: one or more of the “MEANINGS” in the code is nonsensical or otherwise not what was intended. To make matters worse, sometimes the errors will not show up except in certain circumstances, e.g., only on certain platforms, only with certain game or display or sound settings, only on certain hardware even!, and certainly could be ‘only with certain specific combinations of states in the game.’

This is why tech support people are so annoyingly predictable in always wanting “bug reports” to adhere to a very formulaic pattern. They need to know as much as possible about the context in which the putative “bug” is occurring. Partly this is because users are often quite ignorant and lazy and jump to conclusions which are unfounded (e.g., having mods installed which are in fact THE SOURCE of the “error,” but not remembering that they have mods installed until a dev actually loads their save file and uses their knowledge and tools to see quite clearly that the save file is corrupted by a specific modification). But even for the most knowledgeable, patient, and well-meaning users who earnestly think they have a bug, developers/support people CANNOT help if they don’t know enough about the actual problem.

The game clearly had LOTS of bugs on launch and this persisted for quite some time. But like I said, I am really hard pressed to describe ANY “bugs” I have encountered playing with a legit, legal, fully updated, version of the game on PC and using only mods that are not “bad” mods (meaning ones which corrupt the save files).

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