Bugs found in my 30hrs of playing

Well lets begin [PC 1.3.3]

  • Characters loading without armour (usually bandits in camps)
  • Characters loading without flesh (usually scripted spawns/encounters)
  • Theresa getting stuck not near a door, but having priority on said door so you cannot use it (to your bed at the mill)
  • http://prntscr.com/iv1fdo this hilarious misplacement of a corpse
  • loads becoming increasingly longer the longer I play for in one session
  • Random Halberds everywhere (and some in piles as if they’re constantly spawning) picking one up crashes the game http://prntscr.com/iv1iyr
  • Scripted cut scenes not always working and post cut scene interactions (such as Lord Capron in the bath) becoming impossible to trigger
  • So many issues pertaining to physics in combat. being hit into the sky, into the ground being hit by or hitting a master strike causing you to clip through the world models.
  • Enemy combos that end with a stab occasionally cause their weapon to spiral ridiculously
  • Running into NPC’s causes them to dissapear (I presume this is a workaround for AI pathfinding faliures)
  • Scripted follow NPC quests has some NPC’s walk though furniture/world models almost as if their path was scripted before objects were placed. (not really a bug but it’s really obnoxious to see)
  • Crouching with a touch… where does it go? it should really be in your hand or put out
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Bandits/Cumans not wearing armour is sort of a bug or feature thing. Hard to tell if they’re supposed to be wearing armour or it’s actually there for the realism, as in people didn’t wear their armour 24/7 in a camp they didn’t expect to be found in in the first place and took it off every now and then so they could comfortably get around and take a break or wash their gear. The fact that you never see patrolling bandits missing armour contributes to that.

I would agree with you if they weren’t coming at you in combat then the armour loading after they take a hit usually

actually come to think of it, both of the visual bugs I have experienced have been rectified by just giving them a love tap with my sword

Ah then yeah what you had was definitely a bug. For me they don’t equip their stuff again, no matter how much you hit them

Yeah my wording was off, as I know what you are referring to (night combat finding people in undergarments) This is usually erm plate layer and chainmail layer not loading (so some of their armour is on display)

I would willingly and joyously trade you all my bugs for the bugs you have experienced.

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I mean I was trying to skip over thing’s I’ve seen people mention a lot + daft things like how awful the camera can be if you interact with people in certain circumstances (like in a doorway)

One of the main things I neglected now that I think about it, I wish the press TAB to change targets had any semblance of priority. For example the main quest where you raid the ruins, I press TAB to retarget (hoping to get one of the other 3 guys targeting me) but instead I got stuck sifting through the entire enemy rank (getting slapped about quite a bit due to this) before getting anyone of worth

Cuman and bandits appear to dress up if i knock on the door