Camping Mod

Is there already or could a mod be created to have a bedroll, campfire and cooking pot available so you can basically set up camp on a whim? Say you made it weigh like 60lbs so it would have some sort of draw back with the bonus being you can save and sleep from this bed roll and you can set up a cooking pot, or even just a fire, to cook game you’ve been hunting or food you’ve found.

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As soon as modding tools are available. But then… There are so many camps around the map that are ready to use and they are pretty close to one another.

Yea, it’s not a necessity, but they are still pretty out of the way. Aren’t modding tools released for PC users? How are mods out but modding tools arent available? Honestly, idk how modding works lol. I’m on Xbox anyway, just think it’s a cool idea

No, they aren’t.

Because people just managed to reverse-engineer some of the game mechanics which is available in a user-friendly form like look-up tables in text format. However, adding new items and mechanics is impossible without deeper editing which is in turn impossible without some SDK/documentation/tools or utilities.


ah gotcha, makes sense