Can I chose which language Version of the game I will receive?


I tend to prefer the “original” english version of Games, Films and Series, as they usually are far better than the dubbed versions for other languages.

From what I have seen so far, I assume that Kingdom Come will see it’s original release in english.

If so, I would greatly prefer getting the english version of it, rather than any german dub or subtitled version.

So the question really is, if one can decide which language version one wants to receive.

No worries, you’ll definitely get the English version. I don’t even know if there’s going to be a German dubbed version. Guess it depends on the success of negotiations with localization or distribution companies.

Nothing I say here is official or inofficial, because I’m officially inofficial. Just telling what I remember from some earlier discussions about this topic.

Thank you very much :slight_smile:

So, is there any new info on this particular question?

Hello, as the BETA the final will be Multilanguage. So you can Change the Language and Subs in the Settings.

Which languages (Subs/Dubbs) exeactly will be there, will be announced later this year…

I can’t think of a time when a game supported multiple languages, but not all copies came with every language. Has this happened at some point?

Yes it is common with larger voice packs for at least console versions to be region locked with only a sample of available languages - and not always a useful selection.

(I can think of one example where Portuguese players were not provided with any subtitles or voice pack in the European release version, while a Brazilian Portuguese version was available in the NA release. No recourse.)

Still - with PC releases it is more common to have whatever voice packs and language translations for subtitles as are available to be available for all regions.

Thank you very much :slight_smile: