Can I just say, I love this forum

Not the forum specifically but the community and the team making this game. I’ve come from the Star Citizen forums and don’t get me wrong, the team over their does a decent enough job of keeping people informed. But with so many backers now it’s just not as personal as originally intended. But this place is awesome, I’m always seeing comments by devs and the community manager. They always seem to be sharing great info and asking for input. Their videos show mechanics, even if a bit rough but I like that they don’t say “it’s a surprise that we’ll unveil later.” They really go to great lengths and put a lot of faith on us to understand that these mechanics are just being built and that it’ll all get polished down the road when they get to that stage.

So yeah, great job team. You guys rock! I am a very very happy backer indeed. Super excited to see what comes next!



In response to the title: No:/

(just kidding)


I asked for that didn’t I? lol

I do agree and I find that they manage the community here better as well.

What I really like about the videos in particular is that they show us the failures and the issues that come up and how they in fact go about solving them. It also shows why they fall behind and think it is a great way to build/keep expectations at a proper level.

I am also very appreciative that there isnt a constant sales pitch ongoing.

Keep up the good work and cant wait for the alpha!


Right!!! It feels incredibly genuine. It almost makes me feel like part of the team in a way. Like less of a customer, or more like…well a backer lol. For instance just a while ago, not one but two devs replied to one of my posts asking about a camping mechanic. Instead of a “possibly ;)” answer, they gave me a real answer on how they intended to handle that particular mechanic and why a totally free “camp wherever you want” mechanic is a real technical challenge. So they’ve (not decided, but expect) to go with a system where there are pre-set sites you can camp at.

The fact these guys are so responsive and explain whats going on without some big “reveal” it really puts me in a position where I don’t think I could ever be cross with one of their decisions. It’s when a company puts out teasers and then under delivers that really pisses people off. Here they really show you everything, they’re not trying to hide it. I love and respect that.


This place feels friendly


As a owner of many games, I have seen some some terrible game community’s such as Stomping Lands/Cube Worlds, World of warcraft/Xbox communitys ect. full of trollish kids. I think this community rather has an intelligent bunch of supporters who love to share ideas and get along, As well as relatively informative videos on update progress to soothe the savage beasts from the plagued hype disease. Overall im sure the Dev’s love us just as we love them :smiley: I just hope the bond doesn’t brake in time when the game gets the popularity it deserves and everyone and there pet cat starts to play

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You know, that’s my fear. I would love for this game to get huge, because it really does deserve it. But I also know that will damage the community, and it will change the devs way of interacting with the community. Through no fault of their own, it will just be that unfortunate circumstances will dictate a change in how things have to be. Kind of like with Star Citizen.

All I can say is, enjoy it while it lasts before people come in and ruin it all.


I will always be there for you! :slight_smile:

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