Can someone give advice on how to safely level stealth a bit?

Pretty much as in the title.

knock people out, pick pocket and lock pick all increases the specific skill as well as stealth.

You can learn pick pocket and lock picking from Miller Peshek; you can pick pocket him over and over. Once you get a little experience with how it works I would suggest the Skalitz Refugee camp in Rattay. There are a lot of people there(but only when they are sleeping, which is good for you) and there are only like two guards you have to watch out for. Always save before you start pick pocketing in case you get busted and want to reload. I would not knock these people out though because there are really close to each other and will probably wake someone up.

Lock Picking: the chest Miller Peshek teaches you on can be unlocked 10 times if you just go over to it, lock pick it, open it, close it and then spin in a circle(you don’t have to spin, you just have to take your cursor off the chest and look at something else and then look back) and it will be reset to locked. After this there are a bunch of very easy and easy chests in Rattay but also a lot in Neuhoff, which you travel to relatively early on in the quest line(they are in the stables and houses).

Stealth: as long as you stealth kill, knock out, lock pick and pick pocket(maybe more) you’ll increase stealth…and I guess they are making leveling it easier or “better”? You can probably look in patch notes for that.

Hope this helps a little


somehow this all sound like criminal activities :smiley:

Hey being stealthy is not something normal people do…come to the Dark Side!

And just because you knock out someone or pick a lock does not mean you have to steal what is on the person or in the chest. Although I suspect that the game still gives you the rep even if you don’t steal.


Knocking someone out could save them…what if they were destined to be attacked, but thank God you knocked them out in their house instead!


Well, I actually leveled up my stealth by lockpicking in stealth mode. Then pickpocketing in stealth mode. Sneaking into bandit camps at night and either knocking out or stealth killing bandits in their sleep.

Essentially, if you do anything in stealth, it improves stealth.


I dunno… I get the strong impression that there has to be a potential witness when you’re in stealth mode for you to get any Stealth skill benefit. Otherwise, you’re just crouched over for no reason. IOW, you can sprint and jump along a deserted stretch of road and level Stamina, but making the same trip in stealth mode does you no good at all.

But I’m pretty sure the potential witness does NOT have to be human. It can be any animal. So if you’re not out to steal and murder, but do want some decent Stealth skill to poison Cuman cookpots, practice on wild and domestic animals. Go out in pastures and sneak up on cows. Go out in the woods and sneak up on rabbits and deer. I’m pretty sure doing those things improves Stealth skill.

I have gained first few levels of stealth by knocking out wayfarers.

When you are travelling along path, outside of villages/towns ofc, just always stop when you see a wayfarer, sneak behind and choke him unconscious. I just did this maybe a dozen times and that gave me few levels. I haven’t even stole anything from them, just put them to sleep for few minutes for stealth leveling :smiley:

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I usually knocked people out travelling along the roads. They are usually alone and they won’t remember or understand what happened and your reputee won’t be harmed. I also enchanced my pickpocket skill on tied people on the road (random event where a bunch of fighters confront each other). Easy experience :slight_smile:

I do this. I pass some person on a road then knock them out. I don’t rob or kill them, just knock them out
and leave.

Go to sasau at night (from 11pm to before dawn) inside the room where the sick and hurt from Skalitz stay. Then go around the room to KO everyone. They’re sick and hurt so they won’t get up and make noises to alert anyone. There are usually 6-9 ppl in there. After choking out everyone. Wait an hr or 2 and go around choking everyone again. Lol


Brilliantly sociopathic! I salute you!

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ten characters

Y’all in serious need of seeing a therapist…you’re evil :smiley:

Pick a town you don’t care about, and sneak around and knock everybody out. Then go back at some point, and sneak around and knock everybody out. Steal all their stuff… Knock em out some more… and just don’t use their merchants.

I’d be afraid to pass trough your hometown on a journey XD


What I would do is as am travelling down the road, if I pass some citizen I stop knock him
out and continue travelling.

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What I’ve noticed is that lockpicking and pickpocketing increases stealth skill without being crouched. Still it helps to be in crouch mode to not get noticed.
KO random wayfarers in woods is too easy. :slight_smile:
When I would run into a random bandit road ambush, I’d find the crouched bandits and pickpocket them then stealth kill them. Stealth killz give the most xp. I once cleared out a whole bandit camp at night with stealth kills to level stealth. Kill 1 then run back into woods to lose them, once they give up go back and kill another one rinse’n repeat. :slight_smile:

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also if you are helping Fritz and Mathew , Mathew can sell you a level up I at 5,10 & level 15.
Fritz can teach unarmed.

Unless you accidentally killed him when he attacked you for calling him a piece of shit… :shushing_face: