Can we get a 30FPS lock too, I want my game to be cinematic [sarcasm]

Plot twist: they’re both a downgrade, and the graphics were better in the 1400s when it actually happened


Lets time travel back to the 15th century :smiley:

If you want your game to be cinematic, please use 24 fps but somehow manage to apply a lot of motion blur to every single frame. :slight_smile:

Shouldn’t be a big issue with CryEngine. Just have a look at Ryse to see what is possibe to achieve on PC in terms of graphics. I think the PC version of Kingdom Come will look very good. That’s not something we really have to worry about imo.

Have a look at the comparison of Xbox One and PC version of Ryse with CryEngine:

What you can and should expect of the PC version of every CryEngine game:

  • much less aliasing (!!!) -> much better picture quality
  • higher framerates -> more fluid gameplay
  • better resolutions/supersampling -> more sharpness
  • better shadows -> more realism
  • better lighting -> more realism
  • more shaders and particle effects -> more realism
  • better textures -> more sharpness

All of that is not really hard to achieve with CryEngine. Of course you probably can’t achieve the very same graphical excellence in an open world game like Kingdom Come but you got the point. :wink:

Do you know some Ryse benchmark including GTX670 in about FullHD resolution? (Mine is in fact overclocked and performs almost on the 680 level.) I wonder how would Kingdom Come perform on my rig.

Nope, only with the GTX 7xx generation and newer. But when you know the overall performance of your card in reference to any GTX 7xx card you should be able to pin it down accordingly.

You can find these benchmarks here in my first post at the bottom: Ryse: Son of Rome setzt neue grafische Maßstäbe

Edit: Here are some more, but again without benching the GTX 6xx generation, sorry:

Edit 2: And I’ve finally found one for your card! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much. :blush: I seems quite good.

My GTX 980 arrives today. The rest of my system isn’t up to spec, but I’m really looking forward to putting the card through its paces.

Yes please, give me some downgrade! ^^

Silly question. What does mean being green or red? My card is the last one in green :open_mouth:

What downgrade? In benchmarks the 980 not only outperforms the 780ti, but even some of the Titan cards, as well.

Red -> AMD
Green -> NVIDIA

The colors have nothing to do with performance… :wink:

generally 60 fps on console means concessions aplenty. i have no vested interest in consoles, so i’d be fine with a 30fps lock, if that means no concessions will carry over to pc. because developing on dual standards, as vavra mentioned, just isn’t worth it.

with pc as lead platform, i’m afraid 30 fps lock might be a real possibility.

i think console folks should take the issue up with sony and microsoft, they undoubtedly lied about the capabilities of consoles, even to developers.

Sony and MS never lied about the capabilities of consoles. Some people were just stupid enough to believe that they could get some future tech for laughable 500 bucks while a really top-of-the-notch PC GPU costs that much alone. Every reasonable person knows that the new consoles are just plug-and-play mid-range PCs.

What people don’t seem to get is that game developers want to make better games which means that they want to make better looking games and games with more features and better gameplay. Therefore they use all the hardware that is available. If they restricted themselves to the graphical and feature level of 2012 they could make every new game with 1080p at stable 60 FPS. But is that what we as gamers really want??? I certainly don’t. I’m happy that most developers don’t give much about resolution and framerate as long as the game still runs. There are much more important features in a game than that.

Not Sony, not MS and not the devs are the problem here. It’s the gamers who don’t think for even a second about the value of the stuff they buy. You just don’t get super future tech for 500 bucks. That’s not how our world works.

If people want to have “pure” quality at high framerates they have to invest a lot more money and buy themselves a powerful gaming PC. It’s that simple.


yes they did. representatives of both companies advertised and implied that it was going to be on par with pc. that is a lie. i’m going to call them out on it, period.

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They are on par with PC. A mid-range PC.

PC is a floating definition. There is no “the PC”. PC can be everything from a 200$ machine to a 3000$ machine or even more.

What Sony and MS promised was a far better machine than PS3 and Xbox 360 and that wasn’t a lie. The new consoles are far better.

But Sony and MS never claimed that the new consoles will be able to display every new game now and in the upcoming years at 1080p and with a stable 60 FPS framerate. They claimed that games will look much better with new consoles and that’s the case.

Well, about current generation of console I pretty much remember statements like this one about PS4:
PS4 - “supercharged PC”

When something is described as “supercharged”, usually it comes to mind the “supercharged” object will outperform the “non-supercharged”, unless there is some sort of a scam, trick or PR thin thread walking (like saying general claims and revealing details regarding that claim only when pressed).

I dare to say PS4 does not perform better than I7 + GeForce GTX880. So why was Sony deceiving their consumers? Why they didn’t write “supercharged when compared with mid-level laptop”? Why they intentionally wrote simply “supercharged PC”, hinting the PS4 will be something with parameters beyond the PC platform as a general?

In my opinion at least the Sony corporation did try to deceive customers by intentionally generalizing their comparisons in an attempt to give their new product better starting place on the market.


PS-retards, PC-retards everywhere! Try to play games, not numbers of frames, resolution, or GFlops of your overpriced cards.

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Sony has pulled quite a bit trying to deceive people like how they advertised Watch dogs running at 1080p and 60fps on their site even though it runs at 30 then taking that post down soon as they got called out things like. Now both Sony and MS are trying to force devs to cap PC games at 30 according to a Ubi engineer. Sony and MS are idiots that know their “next gen” potatoes aren’t up to par in the slightest so they’re trying to handicap the PC to make them seem better which is 100% deceiving customers.


trying to make willful ignorance look like an intellectually and morally superior stance. don’t think it’s going to work.