Can we make a battleroyal with KCD?

I have been thinking for a long time about it.
What about a medieval battleroyal?

It could work for both Exanima or KCD, or even the not released bannerlord.
These games have so much gear and weapons and are heavy focused in combat.

I know that everybody is making it now a days, but I still think that would be very fun to go around gathering equipment to fight in a medieval world.
Kingdom come could be even single player, the AI is good enough.

Thank you

nah… id honestky rather not make kcd have other people other than myself in game…

Battle Royal wouldn’t work well in a single-player oriented game, especially with Kingdom Come: Deliverance. They could get it right in some miracle, but I wouldn’t want them wasting time on something that won’t work when they could be working on more useful features/ more quests. You might want to suggest this over at the mount and blade forums, as Battle Royal could work really well with Bannerlord.

no. battle royal is cancer. stop trying to shoe horn it into everything


I think a medieval Battle Royale could be really great, especially with the kind of realistic weights/stamina in this game. Do you wear the plate you found to give protection against enemies at the end or leave it so you can sprint away just as the circle starts closing?

Of course, there’d need to be multiplayer first. And I would only want it as a mod, so devs aren’t wasting time on it. But it could be fun/interesting and might even increase sales. It’d at least be unique compared to all the other BR clones (all shooters). I do hope that regular MP makes it in eventually (or is in a future KC:D game), since M&B:WB MP was all I played for a year straight :smiley: