Cancelling my pledge

Good afternoon,
I have a question, if there is some possible way to cancel my kickstarter pledge. Unfortunatelly when I pledged your great game I didnt realize that I have only DirectX 10.0 graphic card. Now Im worried if the game would be DirectX 11.0 and 12.0 and it is very probable to not support my directx 10 card I couldnt play the game I payed for. I would be very happy and grateful If there is any way to recover my money back so i will not waste my money on game that I will not run on my computer.
Thank you very much
Martin Dohnal

If you donated the money through Kickstarter, you actually have to consider those for gone.
All the money you put into a project on kickstarter, if it is games, gadgets or whatever. Consider this money for gone and unoptainable.
It have been cases where newstarted Devs have promised people a great game, but when they didn’t get enough money for their project, They could not keep working on it and some donaters wanted their money back.
They could not leagally get them back because it was a donation and not an actual purchase.

But you can get lucky, and Warhorse studios might see this and say “ok”.
But don’t be angry if they don’t. When you have donated money on kickstarter, think of the money as gone for good.
Even if this mean you cannot use the product you donated for, or if the product never ever see the light of day.

At least this is how I understand kickstarter and donations.
Lets hope that if the game cannot be used with an directX10 videocard that you get your money back.
But don’t be angry if you don’t.

What are the odds you’ll have the necessary graphics card by the time the game is finished? The system you have now is not automatically the system you’ll have by the end of 2015. And, the game may play fine on what you do have.

However, what was said above is true. You technically did not buy the game, you supported them with the expectation of a later reward. It’s not their responsibility to make sure everyone who pledges has the ability to actually play the game when it comes out.

Well, if you wish for, we can refund your pledge, but there is no need to worry, I would say. There is still plenty of time ahead and you can maybe buy a new graphics card or we can lower the hardware specifications due to optimization or possibility to play with lower details etc.

Anyway we can refund the money even a year from now, so if you could wait a little bit longer, we can have this conversation later again.

Thank you for supporting Kingdom Come: Deliverance!


Dobrý den pane Rýdle,
jestli to nevadí, budu psát raději česky. Mrzí mě to, ale jestli to opravdu jde, chtěl bych požádat o vrácení mých peněz. Na Vaši hru jsem se velice těšil, byl jsem z ní nadšený, bohužel tak nadšený, že jsem si neuvědomil, jak pokročilé budou technologie v roce 2015 a že můj počítač už stačit nebude. V nejbližší době bohužel v plánu upgrade svého počítače neplánuji, jsem občasný hráč a investice by se mi kvůli jedné hře nevyplatila. V budoucnu, když budu mít k dispozici lepší hardware si Vaši hru určitě pořídím. Velice obdivuji Vaši práci a i nadále budu sledovat dění okolo studia Warhorse. Moc mě mrzí komplikace vzniklé touto situací.
Moc Děkuji
Martin Dohnal

Váš email na Kickstarteru je stejný jako tady na fóru?

Ano, je stejnĂ˝ jako na Kickstarteru.

damn! I honestly hope to upgrade my graphics card within a year (I have a geforce 760) and upon such an upgrade I would almost be willing to just give it to you or sell it to you for a pittance: although, I live in Canada and wouldn’t want to even think how much shipping would cost, so I’m sure someone in Europe would be able to do so much more easily. Either way, hope you can work out your hardware conundrum!


DirectX? I wanna see that work on Mac/Linux…

And isn’t the DirectX back compatible with older versions…?

Ehm if you have a gtx 760, its dx 11 capable? Even my somewhat earlier gen 670 can handle dx11 just fine?

Mohu se zeptat, jak to tedy vypadá? Mám s vámi navázat kontakt e-mailem a poslat další údaje?

How do we go about getting a refund?

Hello, did you send us your credentials by email or your request is new, please? Thank you!