Cannot start a topic outside of Meta and German categories

I’m trying to start a new topic in the gameplay section, and when I select the category it shows I am only able to select Meta or German. I also try to go to the topic listing in my browser and post the topic from that screen (hoping it might automatically select the correct category) but it gives me a 403 forbidden error.

Why is this?

i was open the meta topic but after a day it was change to gameplay

I can only post in meta threads atm, i think theres a daily post count as well which confuses me as i can’t respond to comments on my topic as i burned my “daily limit” on explain to people how to get stuff to work, my reply is greyed out on all specialist threads.

Unfortunately, that doesn’t seem to be my issue specifically since I have only made one post a few days ago.

maybe it has something to do with the baron rank ?

I can only reply on meta as well…

There must be a bug somewhere in the software… :frowning:

I’m having the same problem. The reply button is only opaque and clickable on meta.

Looks like it may be something with the Baron rank

It was actually a combination of a bag in Discourse and overzealous editing. It should be OK now.

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Not a major issue since it will take a bit of time to work the kinks out, but though now I can now reply to posts in topics other than Meta or German, I still can’t create or move topics anywhere other than Meta or German.

ok. fixed for me now. that’s what I call tech support :slight_smile: