Can't comment on some threads

Hello, I was wondering why is it impossible for me to comment on some threads. The reply button at the bottom ain’t working.

I have the exact same problem.

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That’s strange. Let me check!

Okay. Please check… it should work now!

Great! Now I can comment even on this thread which I myself have started! :slight_smile:

What was the problem, Tobi?

That’s good. The problem was on our side. Somehow the forum didn’t recognize you as a backer, but now it does. As you know, just backers should have editor rights as part of their pledge.

Thank you for your time and work! :smiley:
Maybe the fact that I pledged via Paypal and also my forum e-mail address and pledge account wasn’t the same caused the troubles? Anyway, it’s good to go now, as it seems.

In fact that’s not good at all and that’s the reason you had the problems. I fixed it anyway but I need you to change your mail to the one you used to pledge this project. Thank you