Can't Start Rattay Tournament

I can’t start the Rattay Tournament Quest despite already having the Dead Men Tell No Tales quest (from the blacksmith in Samopesh) as well as the quest that Sir Hans Capon gives you where he asks you to join the tournament for him (Capon’s Champion). I’m not sure if I failed the quest already for waiting too long the first time it appeared, but I can’t find it at all in my “Done” quests list.

i’ve attached a screenshot showing this.

The tourney happens around a week after the first related quest is accepted.

I’ve had the Dead Men Tell No Tales quest for more than an in-game fortnight or even a month. The confusing part is that Rattay Tournament hasn’t shown up yet. I could understand if I had the quest but the actual tournament hasn’t started even though I have the Tournament quest in my journal, but I can’t find out how to trigger the quest appearing. But thanks for replying anyway!

Sorry, I just haven’t seen this before.

Unlike most bugs where atleast a few people have posted about them…

It’s alright, I just hope there’s an explanation or at least a fix for it. I’ve been looking forward to the tournament a lot since my favourite part of the game is the combat. Thanks for trying to help anyway!

The tournament is one sided.

The thing I’ve noticed is that you should go to the area just a little before 0700 and to to the herald at 0700 exactly. Just a little bit later and you’re to late

j’ai eu un problème du même genre, cela était du au mod spiremans qui fais buger le mode tournois juste au cas ou, et tu peux t’inscrire jusqu’à 7h30.
Deux autres raison ou le mode tournoi a été bloqué, c’est de ne pas avoir parlé avec le héraux avant d’obtenir la quète et de ne pas avoir pu me présenter pour la quète car j’étais en mission dans le monastère.
Mais tu peux toujours essayé en passant une semaine en temps rapide dans la cours des tournois tant que tu sois la a 7h du matin chaque jours pour voir avec le héraux car c’est 1 par semaine si j’ai bien compris