Can't survive "run" quest start

I’ve just started playing KC:D. I made it through the introductory quest of “Uninvited Guests” but as soon as Sigismund’s army attacks Rattay I am consistently getting cut down by guards as I try to run around the castle to find a horse to get to Talmberg. Any advice to help me survive past this point is appreciated.
Other than failing to survive a really basic portion of the game I enjoy it and find very immersive.

Don’t tarry. Follow the path around and down from the keep. Run but don’t exhaust all stamina as you descend. There are a couple horses there.

Just run and use a horse to flee. Don’t fight!

Don’t dilly-dally.

well, when u start run. u can look behind you and youll see the path, theres bushes to your right. you can hop up hill to those bushes and cheese it. the cumans will just stand there and do nothing while you can snipe them with your bow.

Thank you all for the advice. I appreciate it!

Whistle at Teresa as you run past her to a horse

You can be a man and die defending Teresa from being deflowered. However if you manage to survive that event she’ll end up raping you in a barn…so choose wisely.


The mission is RUN, so, just run. Why exactly are you being slayed?

When you start RUN mission, there is one cuman behind you, so, if you slow down or stay iddle, you should expect one cuman runing behind you like 5" later, and attacking you 10 seconds after mission starts.

At least two cumans are coming from downhill, if you run enough in right direction you can avoid them.

These cumans always will find you if you stay iddle, does not matter if you hide and your sigil stats are high. So, keep running and evading

Then, when you are on the main way, you’ll find three cumans with Theresa. You just need to hit-run one of them (even if lightly) to successfully accomplish the objective to help Theresa, then head to the horse and run again.

All that advice helped. I found the horse and survived that quest. Thank you! I missed that it was theresa I rode by though… I will have to re-accomplish RUN. Thanks again.

Nah don’t save her. She’s a witch oh…also if you don’t save her she has a massive knife fetish. Which is quite funny.

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I will provide you with a video. Running to Talmberg easier way.

After re-reading your post, I realized you are stuck at the beginning alone. So run down the hill on the right side, there is one horse, Cumans will come later than those nearby the mill on the left. Later on, you can choose to whistle, X, to call your horse Olena who will stay with you for a while.