Can't watch Livestream because of GEMA (Germany)

Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music for which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights.

Sorry about that.

and they removed all the music for this stream O_o

Versuch es mit ProxMate Addon für Firefox…läuft bei mir


if they hadn’t we would have repeated the experience from the star citizen livestream where youtube shot down the stream because they started to sibg “happy birthday to you”

There is a clip with the last 25 seconds of the stream at

I hope it s not the buffer in my browser thou

It was my browser´s cache. It has the full length of the streaming (57:24)

I am not sure what GEMA is trying to achieve. Anyone can use a proxy and this is just to annoy people and make life generaly unpleasant :slight_smile: … and you pay them money for all media you buy. Wel, enough of my rant :slight_smile:

seriously? they blocked this one? burn a witch named GEMA in the game, I beg you…

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That’s what VPN’s are for. =)

While it may seem like the easy way to bash the GEMA you have to keep in mind, that German laws force them to enforce the rights of their members. Also, it’s not the GEMA who blocks the videos, it’s Youtube (Google), as they are not willing to pay the amount of money the members of GEMA have voted to be collected. Yes, one can argue that those members lose far more money from not being visible on Youtube, but on the other hand it’s shame that a company that makes more money per year than most of us will do in a lifetime is arguing about half a cent per video…

Also you wouldn’t be able to watch livestreams on Youtube in Germany without further action (like Proxmate etc.) anyway, as Youtube has neglected to acquire a “Rundfunklizenz” (broadcasting licence) which is required in Germany to provide live broadcasting for a “public” audience (there is no difference between internet streaming and radio/TV broadcasting in German laws).

Zitat Homer Simpson: Laaaannnngggggweeeiiiilliiiggggg :smiley: