At what point does Bernard return to Rattay so I can train further? Is is after Ginger in the Pickle Quest or after Baptism By Fire?
I think after Ginger in the pickle, I remember doing master strikes right before Baptism by Fire.
And Ginger in the pickle will not start…
I have completed Ginger in the Pickle and I can’t seem to find him anywhere.
If he’s not in the camp he might be asleep in the keep… many seem not to find him, at this point I think some patch bugged him.
I found him sleeping in Nuehof and he won’t leave the bedroom. I wonder if the game glitched out when I talked to Rodzig instead of him to complete the Ginger quest.
I have the exact same problem. I found him partway through the day on his horse traveling back to Rattay but about halfway there he stops, Dismounts, gets back on the horse, and returns to Neuhof. Admittedly I have no internet sp this is pre patch.
I talked to radzig, and Bernard eventually turned up back at the training grounds. In my case, I think I might have finished with runt though.
So just one case, but: suggests that it isn’t getting the continuation triggers for the quests from Radzig instead of Bernard that bugs him out.
Does anybody know more about this issue? I’m having the same problem. I can’t find Bernard and I’ve completed a dozen missions since he left Rattay.