Change sensitivity

I really need change look sensitivity option in ps4(xbox one) versions. Its only thing that keeping me away from game. Please add this option. Can’t play without this, standart sens very slow.


Yeah, agree.

It’s not really a big thing. maybe they set it Like that for a reason so you aren’t playing like a first person shooter

Its probably on purpose. Irl you cant turn around super fast with armor and a sword i guess

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Then why you can turn around at speed of light if you use a mouse? This breaks your arguments guys…
I can’t find a plausible reason that justifies the absence of a sensitivity bar.

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I whole heartedly agree to this. It’s a Dev sin to not include look sensitivity

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Also, you may not be able to turn around super fast but you can definitely turn your head and body and move your eyes fast enough to justify a 10 if this look sense was at default 5.

not sure you know how heavy armour is pal

Then, according to you, on PC it’s fine, but not on PS4 or XBOX.

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The pc guys would mod it anyway so makes sense to just add it. But it’s not intended.

Also, PC users have different sensitivity for Windows apps. In a game you wouldnt expect them to have to change in control panel each time would you?

Console users mainly play for games and don’t have a shift between apps/games like desktop owners.

I’m sorry but your comment is a hole nonsense :laughing:

Sure. But you can’t explain why. A poor debater.

I mean, it’s 2018 whatever their reason, not including control sensitivity in any game is an odd choice.