Clothing mod?

Is there a mod that prevents clothing being damaged etc as it seems that it doesn’t take much for it to damage.

Also is there more mods that makes the fighting more realistic?

look for yourself @ Nexus. At the moment it is still manageable! :wink:
I can answer both questions with yes, also

Lol cheers, tried looking for a mod to make fighting realistic but can’t find anything on there lol

its more realistic when the clothes is damaging
why you need to be jerk

There are mods that affect how long they take to get dirty or damaged. I don’t think I saw any that prevent damage, but you can get a trainer like Cheat Engine and keep them at 100%.

really bums me out when I get my gear all fixed up and get my tabbard all sewn up and clean and then one little fight with a nobody and it’s torn to shit again…it’s super annoying

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There’s quite a few:

Also this one but not sure if it’s 1.3.2 compatible yet:

Dark Times was one of the best ones and it’s being worked on again: