I was fighting against someone without a helmet and he took 4 swings from my axe to the head until he died. It wasn’t realistic.
I realize that the devs don’t want you to cut trough enemies like hay, But it shouldn’t because they are super humans with crocodile skin, It should because they can actually block and parry and strike back. Apart from the training arena my opponents almost never blocked and in 1v1 engagements they didn’t even strike back. All I had to do was spam attack then wait for stamina to regenerate and spam more attacks.
Also I the feeling i get from the combat is that there is this young woman and he’s playfully hitting this big guy with her purse very gently to his shoulder and it makes a small padded sound. Like that is what it feels like when I’m hitting someone there’s no sense of weight and impact. And you don’t really know if you are damaging your opponent or not until he suddenly dies even tho the killing blow was another one of these pads to the shoulder.
Edit. Also about the unlocked combat.
The way the directional attacking works is somewhat similiar to Mount & Blade, and it works just fine in that game and I imagine it would also work well i this game if you could also lock onto your opponent when you want.
Edit 2. Also sometimes when you block with a shield your character just looks to the ground, I realize why you would do this in real life to protect you from arrows going trough the visor etc. But in a game with limited FoV it just feels dumb.