Yeah by this time there was an official “code of honor” for knights and nobles but like @Leontius said, money was the universal code of honor.
As long as your not arguing that this is the most realistic way of doing parrying I am fine with that argument. As someone who has played Mount & Blade for years and years there is just no way to be excited about a combat system far simpler and easier to learn then what I already know.
Maybe we could see a hard mode where they add directional parry much like in mount & blade where it’s an option.
I am also curious about if you can hold attacks, it is a huge part of fighting to simply ready your swing and wait for an opening.
edit: I also remember seeing some footage of 3rd person fighting in that combat video and you instantly got my hopes up that it might be an option, is it?
I don’t think there’s any third person view in the final game or at least not without modification. The first person view is what I call immersive. It should be a fight where you’re fighting for yourself than see someone fighting according to your commands.
m&b has 3 sloppy chops and a stab. you call that more complex and harder?
timing and stamina management is way harder than 4 direction blocking. i can do that with just the mouse, no footwork required, especially with how slow and unfluid enemies attack in that game.
i found the deplacement of characters more rigid.
more natural is better.
3rd person was there just for demonstration purposes.
The untextured pillar also won’t find it’s way into the final game.
Please, keep in mind, it’s not final, still two years to go.
Here another quote:
Nothing in the combat video that I saw suggested that it would be easier or simpler. It actually seemed like it would be harder and more complicated. If you really wanted a challenge wouldn’t you want to try something new and revolutionary? Something different than what you already know and have mastered? Do you just not want to learn a completely new system? New and revolutionary is the essence of Kingdom Come Deliverance.
I would prefer a system with different responses for different attacks. It seems pointless to have many types of attack if they add almost nothing to gameplay.
that’s zoning out, it’s a maneuver to place yourself outside of a weapon’s effective radius
Obviously I haven’t played Kingdom Come yet and I do agree that stamina is a great edition to the complexity of melee combat. However to this day there isn’t a single person that has fully mastered the m&b combat system. If you think you can compete in dueling in m&b without footwork and timing you are sorely mistaking.
I am a little worried that the reason we don’t see directional blocking is tied to the desire for having only the fps view. Since we don’t have concave screens with 160 degree vision first person on a screen is always much more limited than in RL, giving fps view an unrealistic feeling, especially in a game where you have a sword flashing before your limited vision. This makes parrying manually much harder in fps mode.
I am not here trying to argue that m&b has the greatest possible melee combat system I just think it’s the best framework for melee combat. Maybe Kingdom Come will prove me wrong and I am totally open for that possibility and even if the combat does feel “simpler” it won’t make me regret backing this project.
As a practitioner of HEMA for, gosh, almost 20 years now (primarily Rapier, admittedly, but I’ve done a LOT of German Longsword over the past 10 years as it’s been a primary focus for my local group) I’m actually not that averse to the idea of a single-button blocking mechanism. In a lot of way your best defenses in a real fight are very much reactionary, not something you really think about. You just block. The harder part comes in then controlling the tempo. Can you block while also striking in the same tempo or will you need a separate tempo to attack? So in my experience there is something more to be said about more strategy is spent in considering lines of attack than they are on your defense for most practitioner. That’s just my experience, though, and I’m sure others have some other ideas but I think that the existing manuscripts seem to suggest something fairly similar.
One thing I noticed, especially from the combat in the livestream, was the dreaded meet-our-swords-in-the-middle-and-push-off animation so massively present in movie choreography. It’s HORRIBLE. Please, please, please to not include that. If you NEED to have that kind of “we’re stuck” position then I would suggest the primary method is where both swords clash, slide down to the hilts and both fighters then push upwards getting their hand and swords up into the air. That IS a common bind and one we often have to teach folks how to get out of when they first realize they are getting stuck into that position. Otherwise when swords meet at the bind someone is going to quickly try to use that fulcrum point to make a strike. Getting caught there just doesn’t realistically happen and is only used in the movies for some kind of tension-building exercise, presumably.
You’ve got some really great HEMA folks in that part of the world who I am sure would love to help you guys out with real, historical, techniques and motion capture. Plenty of us could help point you in the right direction if you’d like to get in touch with them.
Lenny Zimmermann
BTW, you might also try talking to the folks over Subatai about Clang. Work has slowed to a crawl on it (successful Kickstarter, but nothing like you guys) but they have put together the basics for the mechanic for longsword combat in a video game. I’m not suggesting it would be a fit for what you’re trying to do here, but it might help spark further considerations.
feel free to yell at me if I am wrong, or an idiot, but isnt blocking with just the sword would be much more difficult and more demanding, strength/stamina wise , compared to shield. THE ONLY THING! that I am not 100% happy about is the auto block button.
It’s been clarified that just auto-blocking will quickly wear down your stamina, and when that happens you’re basically done for. It’s going to be much to your benefit to time your blocks and attacks.
its just a minor thing,and I can easily live with it, but even if someone is on a “parry” stance there is always the chance that the parry fails, I dont much care for automatic succesful block even if it is the last thing you do!
I wonder if there is also some fighting while the player is on the ground trying to defend himself from the opponent.
Exactly man. I made a topic about it some time ago.
Check this out if you want:
My words sir. I made topic about it some days ago.
Check it out if you want:
Damnit war horse just make two blocking systems! call one classic ( manual defense) and one regular ( warhorse specialty)