Combat Too Easy? Take The Vow of Poverty Challenge

When I realized I was able to single-handledly take out the entire Bandit Camp at Pribyskalviz… and then proceeded to poke Runt in the chest once, then land a single blow on his exposed dome for the win… I realized I had to do something to change this up.

Meet Henry the Penitent:

Henry The Penitent has taken a vow of poverty - for what grace he enjoys on Earth, he’ll never have in Heaven unless his soul is deemed worthy. Armed only with a Bludgeon, he’ll still win the day - for he’s got the Lord on his Side.

I’ve found this has made the game a challenge again. When 2-3 armed foes close in on you, you have to fight strategically. Armored foes take some doing while anyone is capable of harming you if you are not careful.

I also have come to love the ascetic of the character - with a straw hat and a zen, homespun look. Give this a try if you’re finding the game too easy at any point. I love how it’s changed things to be interesting once more.

The Rules:

  • Henry may only have 100 Groschen on him at any time. Any additional Groschen or valuables Henry finds/looted must be dropped next to a needy soul as soon as possible.
  • Henry may not equip an item valued at over 25 Groschen.
  • Henry may only use a Butcher Sword, Bludgeon or an Axe under 25 Groschen value.
  • Henry may wear a Common Shield, but he kinda looks ridiculous.
  • Henry may only use Potions that he’s made.
  • Henry may not sell anything.
  • Henry may only buy items valued at less than 25 Groschen.
  • Henry is allowed to use Maintience, Stealth, Lockpicking, Pickpocketing (if you like - it’s fun).

    Edit: Decided the No-Horse part of this doesn’t really help the goal of more challenging combat. It just makes traveling more tedious for no gain. And if you want to use the horse in combat, I would say fighting with a melee weapon on horseback is arguably harder than just toe to toe, if you wanna do that, power to you. :slight_smile:



Bravo, old chap.

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tbjs gets funnier the more i look at it

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All good except for “no horse” part. It’s just wasting time. And horse isn’t an item, it’s your only friend and companion.
Also, what about bows? Capon’s bow is given for free.


Do you mate. I cheat a little as I decided to put on a Cuman Robe worth 34 groschen since the look is bad ass. If you wanna ride around on a horse or use a weak-end villager’s bow w/hunting arrows or something, I’d say that’s still in the spirit of the challenge. As long as you’re having more fun than you would if you could equip anything you want, you’re doing it right.

I wish wooden sword was an item Henry can get. It would also add to “Penitent” role, since it’s cheap and he will not be able to kill with it.

Henry is a fucking beast for getting his medieval on penitent style, bravo sir and happy horse-less travels.

Heh - I came around to agreeing with the other guy. The No-Horse thing gets old quickly. The issue is not enough happens out in the world. It’s not like Skyrim, where you get mauled by a Sabre-Cat or Troll, or interesting things spawn frequently around you.

So, yeah, horse is back in. It doesn’t really have anything to do with combat challenge anyway.

But i can still be a womanizing troubadour right?

Only if you do it while being poor. Cause if you can womanize while wearing linen, you’re truly a man of spiritual means.

Troubadour perk is free baths;)

Too bad there isn’t a pitchfork or pickaxe you can use as a weapon in the game. Totally reminds me of Dark Souls peasant build. :smiley:

Im going with the texas chainsaw massacre look, by adding a blacksmith apron. Needed a reason for it anyway

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I love this idea. I’ve got Henry the Poor Knight going on right now. Wearing the prefaced Old armor. Wish they had an Old chest piece though.