Connecting to steam

How do I connect to steam, so I can download the game?

You need to Download & Install Steam and create an Account. Just Google “Steam Account” or go to

Yes…that was not at all what i was after. How do i connect my profile to steam so that i as an backer can download the game

Well sry then you should ask more precisly. Can’t help you with that sadly. But i think i read about the Codes beeing sent to the Backers? But im not Sure about this.

Thank you, and sorry about beeing imprecise. Had a few beers and really wanted to play :slight_smile: And no email…

In your KC:D profile there’s a Steam game code. Copy it, start Steam, click Add a game in bottom left corner, click Activate product on Steam and paste your code. That should be it.

Where in my profile can I find the game code?

login here

there you should see the button to connect to steam/key

I have the same issue. its not a case of not logging in, it’s that there is no steam link! anywhere! In profile or in backer rewards. Its just not there.

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then you need to contact
And/or write PM to @DrFusselpulli

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It’s a game code, not a link. It looks something like AB2CD-EF4GH-IJ7KL. If it’s not there, you should contact support I guess.

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I’ve emailed and got no word, just a queue. I’ve pinged @DrFusselpulli and no dice yet. I assume it’ll get sorted eventually, but it just feels really unfair getting the game so late after being a backer for so long. feelsrealbadman

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yes I can understand you…
They will get to you… it just takes some time since they got so many requests
Its pretty bad how many backers havent got any information about their game and cannot play - this shouldnt happen… I hope they can solve all this in the next few days so they can focus on actually developing the game further.
One good thing is you’ll get to play a patched version most likely and hopefully dont have problems with save/load and so on

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True! :smile: Though tbh I’ll probably just buy it separately as it was my whole plan for the weekend. sigh Heres hoping part 2 launches a little smoother.

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