Console Commands?

Do you think we will have the ability to use console commands? I would really love to troll the guards by spawning an army of chickens in the middle of town and telling them to “See to it.”

Well, they said that, console commands will be available on consoles, (which is not very common), so i guess so.

Wow really? Tons of fun in perspective then.

I’m not aware if they’ve said anything about opening up console commands like some other RPGs. I think for the modders it would be a handy tool to have available for testing. Plus console commands are sometimes helpful for dealing with glitches, stuck characters, or other random nonsense that can block your progress.

If they did implement them I’d imagine it would be limited to PC only since you normally need a keyboard for these kinds of things. Of course, for all I know modern gaming consoles have a keyboard option these days.

Acording to Dan Vavra, the consoles will have it as well. I think he said it in the livestream, at the time he fought the man in the forest. He said that the the controller will be able to do all, that you are able to with M&K, i.e. console commands.

I have to wonder if that will really come true. Microsoft and Sony are well known pain in the butts when it comes to third party content and modability. Several companies have asked for their permission to do just this, but none have ever had it granted as far as I know.

At leats i’m getting it for PC, so that shouldn’t be a problem. But i’m sorry for the console players.