Corpses Disappear Before You Can Try to Loot Them

Bodies disappear too easily/quickly after you’ve killed them. It seems as though, if you got a certain distance outside of the dead body, the corpse disappears.

This is a problem considering all of the moving you have to do in order to survive. This is especially true of quests that require you to take on multiple enemies by yourself.

I suspected this to be the case for sometime as I was often unable to find bodies after a very long fight. In the end, I just thought it was me but while completing the quest Interloper, I killed the leader first and had to keep moving around to kill the rest of his men.

When I got back to the camp, where he was, and where the quest marker for his corpse still is, the body is gone and it now appears that I cannot complete this quest since I don’t have a save from before I killed him.

Same, kind of. Happened to me to some Cumans I found on the way, used stealthy hit and run tactics and their bodies diesappeared at one point. I just lost some loot, but this bug definitly can be gamebreaking when that happens with questitems/NPCs. Or at least can cause you to replay a lot of hours.
I understand that it is necessary to delete dead bodies for memory reasons, but it happens way too fast. They should stay for a day at least.

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I absolutely agree. On the other hand, I had a strange bug with my first Henry: After many glorious victories, I was revisiting the place of my very first hunt in the Vranik forest. And surprise, surprise, after all those game weeks, the corpses of all the dead animals were still there. Spooky.