I had the exact same crash : that is after beating (hand to hand) the hired mason on top of the scaffolding. I asked him Who he was?, then Who sent him?… and game crash during dialogue.
I reloaded and was able to make it work as follows :
- Hit him with a mace (poking him out of fear of killing him)
- Dialogue : asked him Who sent him? … (I avoided the question Who are you? in case it is bugged)
Game did an autosave followed by a crash
- Restarted game and loaded that autosave. Takes a long while and had a black screen for a while… but it finally continued to the next scripted scene (do not want to spoil it).
- I did what I had to and then did a Quit/Save. I tested it that Quit/Save just in case, worked fine (I did that test because this bugged quest is known to sometimes create saves that do not work).
It therefore looks like I made it through that bugged one.
First bug in 90 hours though, so not bad.