Cudity Level: Too Much or Just Right?

Right, its pretty much used everywhere in our society now (starting from middle school on up). The only place I don’t hear it is in the professional environment, youth teams I coach etc…

I am not arguing that is it not common, prob the most common used word in our language LOL, that is why it seems so not medieval. Lets us Sard or something :smile:

I agree. The word “fuck” is from the 16th century

they went with a bit different approach, ie had actual american frat boy accent for some of the commoners. wonder if would have been even more shocking if they did a good ole boy midwestern or southern ie texan accent for the low commoners. we’re used to hearing cockney as a representation of it.

I agree Fuck is definatly not out of place in the middle ages, it is or is dirived from a comonly used word in old saxon and other germaic languages of northern europe. As can be seen from the dutch word fock wich is used to describe reproductive breading, a language wich is in many ways similar to old anglo/saxon and old english. As to swearing in the game I think where appropriat there is no way why it should be not in the game. By appropriat I mean usage by less educated charachters would swear quite a lot, more educated or relgiuos people less or in some cases not at all. It would also be accepable in arguments or times of great pain or distress, in battle or even good natured teaing between friends that sort of thing.