Cuman horseback archers

The forefront Cuman battle tactic was light missile cavalry, horseback archers that would unleash arrows then feint retreat, only to turn around and unleash arrows again. I can understand if we only saw this tactic employed by Cumans in major battles in KC:D, but I feel that replicating this Cuman tactic for the Cumans in-game would have immense gameplay, immersion, and historical accuracy benefits. We know next to nothing about how large scale battles will be fought… is this planned?

It would be rather lame if all the Cumans fought on foot.


They devoured the horses.

This would be most annoying enemy unit. I hated them in M&B. I also did not see anywhere ranged units on horseback. But theoretically, if player is able to do that, all are. As WH is saying all NPCs can do same as player.

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Yes, there will be Cuman archers on horseback in a battle :slight_smile:

But keep in mind, the Cumans you will see in the game are the guard-army of Sigismund and fought in a different way than their ancestors 200 years before. They were no nomad horse warriors anymore.


Like Hungarians after Xth century.

So, you’ve found out how to implement a saadak?

No, this will not be in the game, sorry.

So, how Polovstians are supposed to carry their bows in battle without saadaks?
Also, will player also be able to do horse archery?

Wow, thrilled to hear that the Cumans will have their horseback archers :smiley: Cannot wait to see that in battle! Shame about saadaks, but oh well. They would be immersive/accurate, but in the end they wouldn’t have been a big feature.

You mean something like this?


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