Dead Men Tell No Tales Can't Be Finnished

so I killed Black Peter, talked to Blacksmith in samopesh afterwards and now the quest just stays there. It’s unfinished but also without any markers on the map or any other info about what to do. But because of that I get infinite loading screen every time I get to third round of rattay tourney. How do I fix it?

wait a lil longer, took me like 20 mins to load in

Same issue as OP. No idea how to fix it

Yeah, this game is fucking unbelievable, they allow you to be attacked by Black Peter before you get the quest so when you kill him, you have to go all the way to Samopesh talk to the blacksmith, tell him you fucking KNOW how his son was killed and yet the quest is bugged. Seriously, how the fuck do you do something like that ? Haven’t found a fix so far, and now if I skip the tournament I’ll have a failed quest in my log. Geez, thanks a lot… If anyone found a fix please post it on the forums, for the love of God

Agreed, when fighting black peter, i got poisoned several times yet when I pick up his sword it has no poison on it and I cannot answer to the blacksmith how Svastoplyuk died.

Got the same issue.
I can tell what happend to the smith, but that don’t end the quest.

Same problem :confused:

I can’t seem to find a solution either, but I just contacted the support. I’ll keep you informed about it.

Ok, so they answered me to send them my bugged savegame to investigate it. I’ll now wait and then tell you if it worked or not.

Very interested if this worked out for you. I have the same problem cause I got ambushed by Black Peter and killed him even before I talked to the Smith of Samopesh. So now the quest doesn’t even trigger but the map says me, the smith has a quest for me. I can tell him that Peter probably killed his son and all but the quest wont even start. Plus I cant remember what I did to that stupid sword of Pete… Oh well.

So actually I kinda forgot to tell you, but after sending my savegame to Warhorse i had a little patch on steam and just after that the quest was removed from my log, so it seemed to work.

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yes, I noticed the same. Sad though, that I couldn’t finish the quest as intended… Marking Peter’s sword as a quest item would be a hint…