December 22 Stream questions post viewing / remarks

Hi everyone !
First of all thank you very much for your live yesterday, thank you Tobi, thank you Martin, it was great to see you again playing and answering some community questions. I’m really happy to see that Warhorse staff is communicating with the community, it’s very important for us and you are doing a great work so : A big thank you :wink:
During the live, and after viewing it again, I saw some details i want to share with you and I also have some questions / remarks regarding them (maybe other members will have some questions too). I was thinking in this way : “If I was playing this game instead of Tobi what would I like to modify a bit and that is not necessarily tied to polishing”.
To begin, I found a bit strange the characters animations while they are in a “standing”/“waiting” position during dialogs, I don’t know if this is planned for future polishing, it’s like they are…drunk I guess - “Sir, it’s quite possible this asteroid is not entirely stable” - :smile: . I don’t know what you are thinking about that.
Another point is that to immerse myself in the world I know that I would like to “discover” things by myself, so I think that you should add an option to deactivate quest locations marked as ‘?’, this way, players could choose the way they want to discover things without being “mini spoiled”. The same goes for quest tracking if you just want to immerse yourself completely in the world an really search for the tavern and the good NPC instead of having it marked on your map and your compass.
Another point are the subtitles on NPCs while they are talking to you or to each other, you should add an option to disable it too (maybe there is already an option for that in the beta), it’s a bit immersion breaking to walk around and to see a big sentence to appears above npc’s heads.
Finally (always HUD :-)), it could be a good idea to just let the player choose to activate or deactivate HUD elements things like the stamina bar or the compass, maybe adding a kind of “transparency” option can be a very good improvement too.
That’s it for now, maybe I will view it a third time and discern another things. So what do you think about that ?
Very impressed about the different quest possibilities. It’s just very very very cool :wink:

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Here it is “g_showhud 0” :о)