Hi, what is the different between the Baron Digital (what I buy on kickstart) and the Baron Special Edition?
Hi, what is the different between the Baron Digital (what I buy on kickstart) and the Baron Special Edition?
just read the text: one is digital and the other physical…
THX but I know the different between physical and digital. I can Update my Baron Digital to Baron Digital Special Edition for 5 $ but I can not see the different
I dont think you will get any thing more by upgrading.
Just read what you got in both case… look like very much the same for me.
Unless you want to help Warhorse with 5$ more… you will not get anything more.
I may be wrong but it look like the same.
Hasn’t the Special Edition Alpha Access and the normal one just Beta?
As i can see all baron have access to the alpha.
It’s the same. Just the price is a bit higher which is normal.
There is no difference in the content, but the price. The pledge are little more expansive then it was on Kickstarter. Thats why you can “upgrade”, because the Kickstarter version and Warhorse version are different from the point of view of our backend system :-] Thank you!
so this means i have to give you 5 bucks more?? if so please tell me as i will next month as this game is worth it
No this means that it was 5$ cheaper during the kickstarter.
So no need to give 5$ more unless you realy want to give 5$ more.
Not necessary unless you want to support us even more :-] But the better option would be to upgrade to Viscount to have even more stuff from us. If you wish. But alpha will be still the same :-]
thank you for your reply i have this question i see the alpha is out but were do i get it from ? i seem not to find it? please could you tell me thank you