Hello Together,
Is there any given Time when we can see the first Combat Videos of different weapons in one fight?
Axe Fighter vs Sword for example, or Sword and Mace etc.
Because for me this is one of the Main Features, as I love to play on different ways in a Game (for example, I play three Fallout 4 Plays, switching to which I have most fun with at the given moment [Pistol, Rifles, Melee/Heavy]) and would love to buy KCD but without knowing any of this its hard for me to get myself convinced to this.
The Sword Fights overall look damn nice but if this is the only one I can see… its hard for me to backup the game until release. I don’t care about testing the fights out myself, this can be saved for the release, but I really would love to see some of this because it would be a “arrow to the knee” if there is in the end only Sword and Bow Combat because the rest did not worked up…