Different Weapon Fights

Hello Together,

Is there any given Time when we can see the first Combat Videos of different weapons in one fight?
Axe Fighter vs Sword for example, or Sword and Mace etc.

Because for me this is one of the Main Features, as I love to play on different ways in a Game (for example, I play three Fallout 4 Plays, switching to which I have most fun with at the given moment [Pistol, Rifles, Melee/Heavy]) and would love to buy KCD but without knowing any of this its hard for me to get myself convinced to this.

The Sword Fights overall look damn nice but if this is the only one I can see… its hard for me to backup the game until release. I don’t care about testing the fights out myself, this can be saved for the release, but I really would love to see some of this because it would be a “arrow to the knee” if there is in the end only Sword and Bow Combat because the rest did not worked up…

Hi mate,

I suggest you watch some of the update videos, and review the game content on the website… It is most certainly the intention of the WH team to include the use of polearms and other weapons (maces and axes) along with shields and of course horse combat as well. There will also be at least one large scale battle / siege.

These features and mechanics *should all be available for functional testing with the beta release (sometime this quarter) however only sword and bow combat is usable in the current tech alpha.

If you’re only interested in playing a fully finished and polished game and have no desire to test and provide feedback to the devs, then by all means hold off until final release.


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Hi @TheLuckyAce, yes we will have different weapons very soon. We plan to have shields in the beta, and fittig weapons to them, like short swords, axes, maces or something like that.
Polearms most likely will not be a part of this beta. They still have to be developed.


I play lots of Alpha Versions to support Devs with their Games and I already watched the videos. Also I’ve seen the different types of Weapons which are planned etc. … Thats not what I asked for :wink:

For me its Important to SEE this kind of Fight to be sure that it somehow works fine (not smoth and perfectly worked out but that it is possible) because it would not be the first title I put my money in and later on there are missing some (for me personally) keyfeatures because they were not functionally.

So there is no Problem with not having them available, but I would in the end like to see how Mace vs. Sword for example work out. Sword vs.Sword looks damn nice, but the game would be only half of the fun if all other combinations does not even look half as good. So I asked when we can have some first Gameplay material of this. Not to play it ourself and test it, but at last to see how this will work out and get our mindset on the right way - either it fits and putting money into the project or it does not fit and waiting until the game releases to see if something changed on the way.

Ok so we will see some different kinds maybe at Beta release or later on in the Beta, but will there maybe some kind of “showcast” video like the Swordfight one? Just for showing of how different kinds of weapons work out against each other?


Yes, for sure we want to make a video about the beta update, and and chances are good that part of the update will be also the different weapons.

Don’t worry man! I would have not backed this game if it were without axes. They will definitely have Weapon vs Different Weapon.

Yes, we already have axes. I can see one of the QA-Testers having fun with it right now. :wink: