Disable HUD

Hello, so I managed to remove all the ui without any mod, just with the wh_ui_show* commands.
For those who want to test, just add the following lines to your user.cfg :

-- Disable HUD
wh_ui_ShowBuffs = 0 -- disable sleep/hunger/broken chest/etc icons
wh_ui_ShowCombat = 0 -- disable green shield etc in combat
wh_ui_ShowCompass = 0 -- disable compass (icons, background, N/E/W/S letters)
wh_ui_ShowCursor = 0 -- disable yellow dot
wh_ui_ShowStats = 0 -- disable health bar
wh_ui_ShowTresspassing = 0 -- disable tresspasing icon
wh_ui_ShowWanted = 0 -- disable wanted icon

But when I sit on a bed, the HUD comes up.
Any idea to fix that ?

EDIT : The HUD came up after I reloaded a game

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idk exactly but i tested many things with wh_ui_ShowCursor = 0 – disable yellow dot
But everytime i picking a herb it comes back after the animation.
I guess it is hardcoded or disabled on client side

bind delete "g_ShowHud 0"
bind insert "g_ShowHud 1"

You can bind any key to toggle HUD, in this case Insert / Delete.

Warhorse, please add proper options for that in the game! How often should we ask for that?

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