There are a few issues that I feel make the combat system more repetetive than it has to be.
The biggest issue is the master-strike mechanic. Most people agree that mid to late becomes a waiting game. You wait for the enemy to attack so you can master-strike them. One hit is enough with the overpowered perks and item damages.
So in my modded experience, I have removed master-strike completely. I keep perfect block, but lowered the window to the one that vanilla has for master-strikes.
However, there is more that could be done.
Lets break this down. The system seem to support a method of: First depleating enemy stamina, then going in for health damage. However, the practical application does not look like this.
Instead I would suggest the following.
Master-striking does zero (0) health damage, and is only usable as a stamina lowering attack. Best used by following up with more stamina-depleating strikes.
Perfect blocks can only be used when stamina is near 0. As a way to disengage from getting owned.
All 5 directions have multiple patterns that are focused on stamina-damage, morale-lowering (no fleeing), and health-damage. The situation dictates what pattern is most useful.
Stamina damage: This is best used against enemies that are high in stamina (obviously) to open up for health-damage attacks. A compleated pattern increases the span before stamina starts regenerating.
Moral-damage: These are short patterns (two strikes), they do litte actual damage, but look impressive. The end result is that they lower the agression of the enemies, which allow you some method of crowd-control that does not involve backpeddling and spamming stab.
Health-damage: If they are blocked, they cost increasing amounts of stamina per successive block. So knowing when to use them is paramount to not leave you open for a enemy bumrush.
Weapons all have set damages depending on type. A longsword through the face hurts no matter if the blade is rusty or polished. But realism aside, I would like to see quality being tied to how quickly you can change direction and how well you can defend. and how much stamina a strike costs, etc. The power-creed of the current system would be greatly alleviated if all weapons had the same damage, with minor specialisations depending on weapon type… ie weapons are side-grades more than they are now.
Addition of perk-triggers.
If WHorse could add a on-swing trigger, and a on-hit trigger, then we, the community, could more easily rework the system and thus through the classic minigun-tactic find what is the best setting for combat depth as well as intuitive and rpg-mechnics fun.