Does Debit bill Inside the USA?

Does this game bill inside the USA? If it doesn’t then I won’t be able to buy it.

there has been a few american players that have the game commenting in the forum so i can only guess that it does

hope that helps

It actually doesn’t. I use prepaid debit cards to make online purchases. Normal debit cards can be billed outside the US. My card does not allow that.

That is strange seeing as i have been charged in us dollars not euros or pound sterling would have guessed their banking system would be an american company

Well no official response so I’ll pass on this for now.

Can you not use Paypal? Genuine question because I don’t know.

Sorry it is in German. But @DrFusselpulli told at this post, that currently only paying by credit cards or Paypal is possible.

Well, we were discussing this issue. No, the game does not bill in the usa.
You could use PayPal, and you can buy with your credit card through paypal, so you would need an account indeed, but money on your account is not necessary. But this are the only options for now, Credit Card and PayPal.

There are some debit cards provided by the main card issuers - mine is just a standard debit card on my bank account but the payment handler is Visa - which can be used to make purchases as well.