Dog armor for xb1

We need some dog armor so we can take mutt on story missions mainly the skirmishes against bandits



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Sweet dog armor in real life is it actual armor or is it like plastic or fabric?

Also love the pug. The look on its face!!!:joy::joy:

Considering the dog armor slot exists, the fact historically plausible dog equippables and armor with how central mutt is to most early combat would have been welcome in the base game or as a mod in any platform.
an example of board hunting dog armor from 1350’s spain. Considering the sparsity of sources I’d swing it for close enough on historical accuracy. Very similar in construction to modern hunting dog harnesses, now made with kevlar for the same purpose as used historically.

unknown probably 16th century including head armor.

extant 17th century example of linen hunting armor using one of the only surviving pieces of “ring mail”, metal rings sewn into eylets on a flexible fabric garment. To catch a rapier point or boar tusk in style if not consistently vs hidden maille, also common in the period (written sources at least) in clothing.

maille collar to protect mutt from bandit dogs

spiked collar for ruining those damn bandit dogs day

A lot of options for them to have tossed a few cosmetic, defensive, and offensive items to improve mutt’s luck


i thought this was gonna be a joke thread at first until i saw the last post