Dog Companion + combat academy confirmed!?

See that’s cool. Hopefully someone will add a waterskin and cloth. That would be cool to me to take a seat on a stump next to a campfire and dump some water on my weapon and clean it up. Or get a whetstone to do some mild sharpening in between blacksmiths/grindstones. In time

that why I’m mad about the Robber Baron mission, though given/overseen by Hanush, you start it with Hans. Now, after the bathhouse shenanigans and Hans’ overall soft demeanor I am not convinced there is not another romantic adventure at Henry’s fingertips…so I was going to exhaust Han’s quests just to find one is bugged. Bummer. Gotta see if Hans like meatpole, FOR SCIENCE!

All I have is a small blacksmiths kit and it won’t let me clean the mace with it. Xbox one 1.2

Combat academy - arena of Oblivion/Dragon Age?

Well as far as i care if game not fixed by the time dlc comes out i wont be paying anymore $$…

I don’t see how that matters. Entire dev team won’t work on bug fixes no matter what. So what do you want them to do, fix bugs + work on new stuff that can bring in more money for them so they can maybe help for them to support game for longer. Or fix bugs + some devs sits there looking att the people who fix bugs?..

Bugs should always be first priority ofc, which we all know it is for Warhorse now. But there will still be some people who are free since not everyone will be involved in fixing bugs no matter how much they focus on bug fixing, so why should they not work on new stuff…

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I really hope non backers can buy the Dog dlc… I want to take the Butcher’s dog with me. Hate leaving him.

Really looking forward to the additions…also i would like to see more immersion in the game, i guess like skyrim immersion mods. hope WH makes one and be improved by mod makers. I’d like to see also a deeper romance for Henry…after having sex with the theresa and you comeback after a mission its like its a one night stand and she barely acknowledge you. then why make effort to court her if you could have the same with the bathmaids…Seasons would be great as well, the game is played in summer so it would be nice to see it change to winter as well as your regular clothing will need to adjust to the season.

Still waiting on bards that sing “the dragonborn comes” or “ragnar the red”

Probably won’t be too hard to implement these things as mods once we finally get the mod tools. I’d love to be able to set-up camp and perhaps smoke/dry/salt food to allow it to last longer.

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I want a game that will make me want to buy dlc. as of right now i wont. you may not care what you spend your money on but i do, and this isnt it.

It’s not gonna be just for backers right? I believe that people who preordered the game should get free DLCs too as they showed some amount of bravery :grin:

Will i bé able to buy the dlcs?

I would assume so, why not charge for stuff you can? If backers get anything free it will be stuff like the preorder armor and such that isn’t game changing; at least unless it is available for purchase by the non backer crowd…that would be silly.

Oh okay thanks what will be the price what do you think?

that is hard to tell. It probably depends on what you get…and all of this convo we’re having is just my assumption. Probably similar to how other games have done it would be my guess.

Hmmmm i think they will cost max 15 euro

If it’s small add ons probably, if it’s large map expansion/quest line expansion probably more. Really we’ll just have to wait and see

Okay thanks