Everyone thinks im sneaking. (BUG)


I’m having a somewhat gamebreaking bug, but also very IMMERSIVE breaking bug. I’m unfortunately at the brink of discontinue playing this amazing game.

My issue is that, every NPC in the game thinks im sneaking around saying: “Hey!” or “Who’s there?” and stuff like that.
This happens even though im not sneaking around, and even in bright daylight.

To add some information, i have not played stealthy at all, my clothes are nice and washed. I have some simple chainarmor on that’s also well repaired. Nothing on my character is outstanding making him subject to this suspicious behaviour.

Anyone stumpled upon this problem before, or have any possible solutions? ~ Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

your armor … did u get it from cumans?

Hello @MeanderSilberberg ~ Non of it is Cuman, i even tried taking all my armor off.

Every NPC? Even, for example, on the town square in Rattay? They should do that only when you go to their private property (house, garden), if they do that there it’s normal.