Extra hardcore save mode

So having recently started my first hardcore play-through, I was still easily able to savior schnapps behind guards and keep attempting to strangle them till I could steal all their stuff and then just cycle items through the ratay miller to get them non-stolen, make tons of cash and have a good set of gear.
This basically made the game just as easy as normal mode with the annoying addition of not having auto saves for the story quests, and no fast travel.
(Now for the point of this post)
Can someone make a mod, or even the developers ad a separate option to make it so the game does a quick save every 30 seconds that overwrites all previous saves for that play-through. Also you cannot manually load the saves from in-game, only the main menu, and you must save to quit. (But just not have it autosave in combat or while airborne)
This would give the game much much more of a dark souls level of “hardcore” because now all of your choices are FINAL you must make the right choice the first time, there is no loading a precise save, if you get yourself into a bad spot and die, you come back pretty much right before that encounter.
if you get caught stealing, you cant just load a save and be fine… you have to deal with the consequences.

Anyways, I would love the level of immersion this would bring, it would be a huge encouragement to RP and not use janky tactics to optimize the game.