Favorite Shield?

I suppose there are destined to be spoilers in this thread.

With the extremely limited heraldry in the game… what is your favorite shield?

For the longest time it was the heavy boar shield that you got if you killed that one dude north of Neuhof.

Now it’s an red exploding heart shield I saw a bandit wearing on his back in the vrank camp. I couldn’t figure out a way to single him out and knock him out to steal it without getting the whole camp violent towards me.

I really want that shield and have been keeping an eye out for that guy in every battle since… but haven’t seen him.


I’ve been pretty fond of the Cuman metal shields. Solid defense and they come in a few varieties to match certain motifs. My first playthrough was as a heavily armoured axe wielder, so both the round shape and the plain steel variant go well. Now I have the more rusted looking variant to go with my woodsman character. There’s also one that looks like wood with iron spokes if you’re going for a more “viking” look :wink:
I also got a plain black shield from one of the brigands in the Interloper target camps, which was cool but its defense value wasn’t great.


So far the cuman metal shield but the one with same stats as the heavy shield (133 def).

I’m liking the Sir Wolflin of Kalmberg wolf sigil shield. Of course you have to parley and kill him to loot it, but it’s very nice. Reminds me of the aSoiaF stark sigil, although that’s not why I liked it. Very unique

Ah… I was thinking that was a boar. I’ll have to take a closer look at it.

Yeah the flaming heart shield, as I call it, is the best one for me as well. Once I get to Vranik I will try waiting until that bandit goes to sleep or something and then kill him.

Mine has to be, heraldry alone, the three boars dexter upon cream and red split party per pale. It’s a bouche shield sold by the armoursmith of Rattay.

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Is there any other way to get the flaming heart shield besides the one bandit in Vranik?

There’s a new “unique” heavy shield in the game that I just managed to grab after an intense ambush. I don’t want to go into too much detail because I want to keep it a surprise!

As far as my favorite shield, I’m running with one of the Skalitz shields to match my red/yellow hood and horse caparison —gotta rep your hometown!

It is now also found in travelling skirmishes…

Nice necro thread

with 1.5, there used to be a good number of bandits with it at battle spawn points. with 1.6, they seem to have been replaced by the yellow hand :face_vomiting:

for Henry and the Pribyslavitz armorsmith, I’d like the Skalitz-colored ‘ivy’ pattern on a heavy heater shield and bouche shield. would also like to see the same for the fancy Talmberg crest… put it on heavy heater and bouche shields as well as the shields stuck on the outside walls of the guardhouse

as far as enemy shields, I’d like to see more of the shields and equipment from the Skalitz and Talmberg cutscenes… like the black heater shields and yellow insignia in pic below


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This one, because it’s an exact copy of an extant Bohemian shield from 1450, and I’m a nerd.

love the design/pattern. just to be corny about good guys vs bad guys, prefer the group color versions.

I like the flaming heart one from Wolflin, or I did, before it fell through the dirt out of reach. In my rage I beat Wolflins gang to death with my bailif mace on hardcore mode.