Fist of all, the images below are just slides from a talk given by Marin Klima, the game’s producer, at Czech Technical University in Prague. The first part was about game development from the producer’s perspective and at the end he pitched some job openings in their studio to the attendees. There is really nothing scandalous about it.
Mr. Vávra approached Mr. Klíma with the idea to found a game studio and create a medieval open world RPG.
#The document for publishers
Page from one of their first business plans, prepared by Mr. Vávra. About 30 pages in total.
Later version, by Mr. Klíma. Less pictures and more charts.
No investor was willing to take the risk: if the game is not finished and released, 90% of the investment value is spent on salaries and the assets that were developed are completely worthless.
Since fall 2009 to spring 2011 they kept trying. Klíma had already job offer from SAS, Vavra was applying for a position in Ubisoft Montreal. Just about when almost all hope was lost, …
A friend who worked in a publishing/retail chan Gamescape introduced them to a company group LBM (Luxury Brands Management) which deals in importing luxury goods (underwear from France, Swiss watches, …, and, for some reason, through Gamescape, also computer games). The majority investor in LBM is Zdeněk Bakala. People from LBM decided they will brief him about Kingdom Come: Deliverance and sent him the two following pages of text.
Proposal for Mr. Bakala
Based on this, the investor agreed to fund it. So in 2011, the studio was founded.
Studio growth
The plateau in the chart is the “looking for publisher” period. The chart shows number of employees and money spent in time.
Breakdown of the programming division
Warhorse is no small indie studio, currently has 50 employees, hopes to hire additional 20. That is about the size of Bohemia Interactive, although the studios oversees tend to be even bigger.
The picture shows the college the programmers graduated (except for the lead programmer who dropped out from Charles University in his first year), average salary and histogram of experience in the industry.