Wow, so…I tried several times to defeat the bandits at the camp, who killed the merchant and stole the moldavite. That was difficult. Then I discover, I still cannot get the freakin moldavite because it is LOCKED in a chest. I’m on Xbox. I cannot lockpick in this game.
It’s not because I cannot keep the ball lined up, it is because the left stick will not turn the cylinder past about 180 degrees. It fails every time. My lockpicking skill is 0 because I can not afford 100s of lockpicks trying to raise the skill.
Is this a timed quest? I do NOT want to spend days on this shit lockpicking mechanic. I still will not be able to do it, because I won’t have the money for all the picks to have any chance to advance the skill. So I get to fail this quest because fighting the bandits wasnt enough for them, you still have to deal with their effing lockpicking crap on console.
I have played many games. I am coordinated. I always have fun with lockpicking in other games, it is never difficult for me. I don’t mind difficult. I do mind IMPOSSIBLE. Especially when the skill is necessary to complete quests.
So, are there more quests where I will run into this RIDICULOUS excuse for a game mechanic?
It seems time to say goodbye to this game, and nothing else from this developer. Which is a shame, because there is much to like about this game. The world, the ambience, the story, the character, even the alchemy. Even trying to learn the fighting mechanics. The story has heart.
Developers need to test mechanics ported to console. Really.
Is this timed? What should I do, if not give up?