Finding the Pie (horse) quest

So I finished the quest from Uzhits stablemaster long ago - the horse has been found, the charcoal burner killed and reward spent on booze and bathmaids.

However yesterday, while traveling to Rattay, I was passing the crossing roads south of Uzhits, when Henry was, like, “hmm… the crossroads… where Pie could go further”.

As a programmer, I’m fascinated by how weird the event triggers in KCD work :slight_smile:


One of my favorites is the bathhouse in Ledechko or Sasau. As soon as you’re done with the bathmaid, she starts saying things like, what WAS that, who’s there and so on…
Makes me worried she’ll call for the town guards and I’ll get pummeled or fined for taking a bath.
Hasn’t happened yet, but I won’t be shocked if/when it does.

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Usually, this happens if you bathing late in the evening and at the finish time the facility is already closed. Then maids are forcing you to go away from there. It’s not a code bug, but rather a scenery one.

I love the one where you fall asleep in a bandit camp just to be woken by a bandit because it’s his bedroll. And after you wake he turns hostile (and takes an arrow in his muzzle).


I’ve had the Ledetchko thing once…but that was because she was in a tent with a guest at the time, and I barged in to talk to her.

One that always gets me is ‘Alzheimers Peshek’…like when Henry walks into the Mill, Peshek freaks and starts shouting…‘Who are you?’ and so forth, until the ‘Henry’s come to see us!’ kicks in.

Another thing with the Pie quest is that the Talking Horsecrap stays on the roads forever.


Never actually found that donkey. Looked around as long as patience would allow and said bugger ya then. Enjoy the greener grass, you prick.

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I had the guard called on me in the Ledetchko bath tent at least once. Finding pie was seemingly impossible until I watched a “How to Find Pie in KCD” video! :smiley:

Are only some (versus most or all) of the “Interesting sites” tied in to quests “later” in the game?

Seems like a lot of them are just a big nuthin, but then some have a little container you can loot. I want to figure out the best locations to loot cobwebs and it would seem that some old abandoned site with a container would be a good prospect, but so far I haven’t found one that I can say respawns. I know I found cobwebs a couple times in some sites like that (if not an old abandoned farmstead or something), but haven’t found any for a long time.

I mostly find them in bird nests. But yeah, most interesting sites aren’t very interesting. Unless I’m not looking hard enough.

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You know, I don’t think I’ve yet shot a SINGLE bird nest. Are they always up off the ground? I’ve taken a quick look a couple times, but just a quick distracted look, and never actually spotted what I would say was the nest.

Some are low enough to reach/examine, but most you’ll need to knock down with an arrow.

That moment when you use nearly 20 Groschens worth of arrows to bring down a tricky nest…

…and then find it contains 1 Groschen.


Go to an archery master and buy tournament arows. They are really cheap and good enough for stuff like this. :grinning:

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