So greetings,
I played the games a year ago, when it was released, and didn’t get too far. I think it was until Nest of Vipers, since that’s the save name suggest. Since i’ve effectively forgotten the details of the story, I decided to do a full replay. However, I distinctly remember me getting my arse handed to me by every fighter that isn’t killed with my stealth kill, or is wearing thicker armor than a cloth. Of course, on my first playthrough, I immediately wanders around the Bohemia as soon as I was able. I believe I did the whole Sasau sidequestline before even getting a horse, which means I also haven’t gotten master strikes yet, making every encounter against more skilled opponent unwinnable since they just kept on blocking my attack.
Now my question would be: When would be the right time to set out on a sidequest exploration journey? Like i said before, setting out wandering the Bohemian landscape when you haven’t even gotten the proper skills (I first thought parrying and countering was just a timing skill that you need to be good at, not unlock) would just end up with you dying stupidly. Is there any main perk that I NEED to unlock first before doing all of the wandering?
So far i’ve been doing the main quest only, focusing on Rattay and never venturing too far for the time being, in fear of getting whacked.
Thank you in advance!