Fix fast travel

We should be allowed to stop fast travel cause sometimes i accidentally start it especially when i really really don’t need it and i can’t begin to explain how annoying that is

If this is the biggest problem you have with this game then you are a lucky man. :grinning:


I know exactly what you mean. Just last night I accidentally cracked open my eighth beer when I really didn’t need to,so…


I drink beer and Czech schnapps when I play on the weekend.

Savior schnapps Sunday,after too many beers Saturday then?:slight_smile:

It’s some kind of trade-off I guess, it’s a convenience and it’s automatic so you don’t have control over it…

Fix- guards attacking you during fast travel and also attacking you during loading What’s worst of all is there warning you at first but because the screen is loading the game you can’t respond by the time it loads the kindness is gone and they’re ready to kick your butt and half of your life is already gone

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I agree. The game should be in suspension while loading until the loading is complete.

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Are you on console? I didn’t have this problem since 1.4.2 patch on PC, sometimes I hear the bandits during loading but the game always finishes loading before I get attacked.

If you hear them, then you’re just lucky they haven’t attacked you.

I am on PC and sometimes when the screen un blackens they are right on top of me.
I don’t have a super duper multi multi core multi threaded system. and loading isn’t exactly 4 second fast.

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I just got lucky I guess, on the other hand the game prevents me from attacking enemies until they’ve finished their standing up animation or until they’ve drawn their weapon…

Think being attacked in part depends on your fast travel perks or lack thereof. been attacked 1x out of many times of fast travel. Henry is never facing in the direction of the horse’s head and that makes the quick travel attacks more annoying than anything else

I have all three scout perks so getting jumped at loading isn’t as much of a problem as it was.
but still the loading times for me is long enough for an archer to get a shot off if there is one ready.

First of all fast travel in counters for me like I’m not shiting you I bought the game I had to fast travel encounters and that’s it I’ve not had any ever I’m not joking I can fast travel through pribysLovitz without being stopped

As well I’ve also somehow he encountered crimes I’ve had crimes and bad reputation for fresh traveling through certain towns and I’ve done nothing wrong but something happened along the way and I ended up getting one of those red socks with gold symbol showing up meaning I will be stopped and either go to jail or pay them a fine that is getting old getting in trouble for s*** I didn’t do and what’s even worse is that they won’t tell you what you did tell just say the line you know what you did now pay out the ass now

Yeah sometimes the game goes haywire, I got fined because I shot arrows in a shooting contest, another time I had to kill bandits to save guards hostages, the first thing they did after I untied them is to arrest me and send me to jail for killing those same bandits… Doesn’t happen often though.

Spoiler alert :house of god

Yeah man they say you know when you murder somebody you get in big trouble right the guards came after me for killing the apprentice that was trying to kill me right in front of the gaurds mind you he struck me 3x already in the house of god quest

Fast travel in counters if you’re on Xbox made a post go to player line to I’m singing this s*** like a canary there is hope still yet if player line one is absolute s*** in stutter sets in go to player line to just be wary I don’t know if it’s still there there is a bug that if you dug any treasure up you will not be able to access it and player line to as it will already be dug up an empty

What I did exactly was I went to player Line 1 deleted all my saves as soon as I started the game I exited so I could have access to player line to then I opened up player line too and I’m playing through it and the game is like another f****** game I’m having guys in the pillory I didn’t even know the pillory was ever freaking used because that never happened at all my months there was no pillory the people hardly even spoke to each other and fast travel in counters are in player line 2

Xbox one work around fast travel game breaking stutter bug fix

Player line two xbox one… the game is as if I had the patch already but I don’t it’s functioning and I have no complaints I mean granted There is mild stutter and FPS drop in rattay but it’s not game breaking

This game is amazing from the interaction to being able to give water to the guy in the pillory or The Stockade whatever you may want to call it

To fast travel encounters

Persistance pays off in the end I just did a lot of bitching along the way

Now that I feel comfortable I’m going to do a ballsy move and up my graphics 1080p and 32 fps and see how that goes